At Mandale Homes we endeavor to provide all our customers with a high standard of service and a quality new home.
We take pride in our homes and our customer service and we welcome any feedback – positive or negative that can assist us in improving the service we provide.
If you have a specific issue that you encountered during the process of purchasing your home, be it design choices, recommendations we may have made to you with regards to solicitors etc. that you feel warrants feedback to enable us to improve our services, or even feedback to let us know that a specific part of the process exceeded your expectations we would welcome your input.
Please send feedback to:
Postal Feedback:
Customer Care Department
Mandale Homes
PO Box 29
Stockton on Tees
TS18 2XW
At Mandale Homes we endeavor to provide all our customers with a high standard of service and a quality new home.
We take pride in our homes and our customer service. If you have a specific complaint this can usually be dealt with quickly by talking to a relevant staff member who is able to take action to address the problem.
Where this action fails to resolve the problem then you have the right to instigate the formal complaints process. Our complaints process has 2 stages.
Stage 1 Complaints
- Stage 1 complaints are handled by a Customer Care Manager
- We thoroughly investigate complaints to ensure we are providing a competent service.
- Complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt.
- Complaints will be replied to within 10 working days of receipt either in full or to advise you of the steps we are taking.
Where this stage fails to resolve the problem, your complaint will be escalated to a Stage 2 complaint.
Stage 2 Complaints
- Stage 2 complaints are handled by the Customer Care Group Manager.
- Complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days of date of escalation to stage 2.
- All aspects of the previous stage 1 complaint will be thoroughly investigated and a decision made and given to you within 10 working days of escalation to stage 2, either in full or to advise you of the steps we are taking.
A quick guide to the formal complaints process
- All complaints are to be made in writing.
Contact details for complaints;
Postal Complaints:
Mandale Homes
PO Box 29
Stockton on Tees
TS18 2XW
Emailed Complaints
What happens if I am not satisfied?
If after going through the steps outlined above you are still unhappy with the outcome, then you may wish to refer to your Home Warranty provider who will conduct an independent review of your complaint and how it has been handled.