Mandale Homes are proud to announce that they have sponsored Yorkshire Children’s Trust for their charity of 2015.
So far, Mandale Homes have paid their office costs for the year totalling £1,728.
This Christmas, the money usually spent on Christmas cards is being donated to this very worthwhile cause. Christmas cards sent by Mandale Homes to our business partners usually cost around £500. Within the company, colleagues are also donating money to this cause rather than sending each other cards.
It is anticipated that before 2015 even starts close to £2,500 will have already been raised by Mandale Homes and it’s employees.
We hope that 2015 will provide us with many opportunities to run promotions and fund raising events for this charity and the hard-working, incredible people that are the driving force behind it. Yorkshire Children’s Trust carry out incredible work for people that need it most. Their drive to help more people, coupled with their medium to long term plans is an inspiration to everyone.
About Yorkshire Children’s Trust
Yorkshire Children’s Trust are a small charity based in West Yorkshire, set up by parents who have had a child with Leukaemia in the hope of helping families in similar difficult circumstances. The charity helps families from all four corners of the Yorkshire region with essential grants from £50 to £500 which do not have to be repaid and cover medical treatment or equipment, home modifications, a short family holiday or help with travel costs for families who have children in hospital.
The charity doesn’t receive any Government, Lottery or NHS funding and relies on the kindness of the general public and local businesses to provide the essential service to the local community. In some cases it can mean the difference to a child staying in hospital or coming home to be with their family.
Every donation will help a local child, £10 will pay for special easy grip cutlery, £50 can help with travel expenses for a family who have a child who is in hospital.
£100 will pay for a short mid-week holiday in the UK for mum, dad, the child and any brothers or sisters and £500 will pay for wheelchair ramps at home.
The charity is registered in the UK, registration number 1146884 and was set up in March 2011.
Website: www.yorkshirechildren.org
Telephone: 01422 728080